Table. Decontamination Advisory Clean-up of Suspicious Powder/Substance (Anthrax Concern)
Suspect powder/substance Area Decontamination Personal Decontamination Medical Evaluation
Is contained in an unopened envelope or container. Human contact only with outside of envelope/container None Wash hands with soap and water.

Not necessary

Has spilled on environmental surface and hands only. Wash down thoroughly with 1:10 dilution of household bleach (0.5% hypochlorite solution) Wash hands and forearms with soap and water.

Not necessary

Has spilled on hands, clothes, and environmental surfaces. Wash down area thoroughly with 1:10 dilution of household bleach (0.5% hypochlorite solution) after approval by law enforcement.

� Wash hands and forearms with soap and water.
� Remove contaminated clothing, double-bag and hold for environmental test results.
� Take shower with soap and shampoo at earliest opportunity.

Not necessary

Has spilled with massive facial or body exposure, or direct inhalation exposure. Wash down area thoroughly with 1:10 dilution of household bleach (0.5% hypochlorite solution) after approved by law enforcement. � Wash exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water.
� Remove contaminated clothing, double-bag and hold for environmental test results.
� Take shower with soap and shampoo at earliest opportunity.

Refer for medical evaluation if testing of environmental sample is not possible within 24 hours.

Adapted from: The Greater New York Hospital Association, Decontamination Advisory, Clean-up of Suspicious Powder/Substance (Anthrax Concern), New York State Department of Health, 2001. Accessed at