Table 1: Reasons to Initiate Diabetes Programs at Work

• Good blood glucose (sugar) control decreased severe eye disease by 76% and end-stage renal disease by 56% in people with Type 1 diabetes. (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group, 1993)

• Good blood glucose control also can improve outcomes in people with Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes. (UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group, 1998)

• Significant cost savings resulted within one to two years when adults with diabetes improved control of their average blood glucose levels (as measured by A1C or glycosolated hemoglobin). (Wagner et al., 2001)

• Employees with diabetes who controlled their blood glucose were more productive on the job (99% vs. 87%) and missed less work than did employees who did not control and lower their blood glucose levels. (Testa and Simonsen, 1998)

• People who had better control of their diabetes also had fewer medical expenses over a three-year period. (Menzin et al., 2001)

• The net productivity costs of not preventing complications once a person has diabetes can range from $3,700 to $8,700 per year, depending on the demographic group. (Ng et al., 2001)
