Hospital Employee Health – September 1, 2017
September 1, 2017
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Hand in Glove: Employee Health Partners With Infection Control
An upcoming CDC guideline will emphasize the importance of collaboration between employee health and infection control departments. The first section of the draft “Infection Prevention in Healthcare Personnel” is expected to be released for review in the next few months.
CDC Revisiting MRSA in New HCW Infection Guidelines
The CDC is revisiting MRSA and drug-susceptible staph strains in a major way in its comprehensive new guidelines, “Infection Prevention in Healthcare Personnel.”
Most Healthcare Workers Not Immunized for Pertussis
Though there are signs of gradual improvement, healthcare workers are still woefully underimmunized against pertussis, putting vulnerable patients such as infants at risk, the CDC reports.
NIOSH Seeking Reports of HCW Exposures to Peracetic Acid
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has extended the comment period until Oct. 1, 2017, regarding the potential hazards of occupational exposures to peracetic acid used as a sterilant and diluted as a cleaner in some hospitals.
New Disinfectant Guidelines Emphasize HCW Protection
The American Industrial Hygiene Association has issued new guidelines on healthcare surface disinfectants, emphasizing that the effect on workers and patients must be factored into the equation.
Researchers to FDA: Alcohol Hand Rubs Pose No Risk to Pregnant HCWs
Pregnant and breast-feeding healthcare workers appear to be well within safe exposure limits and can use alcohol-based hand rubs without risk to fetus or baby, a researcher reported recently.
EPINet Issues Call to Action to Prevent HCW Exposures
The long-established needlestick surveillance system, EPINet, has issued a consensus statement and call to action to reduce unexpected exposures to blood and body fluids.