The first new Alzheimer’s drug to be approved in almost 20 years has sparked a major ethical controversy, leading to protest resignations, criticism, qualifying statements, and even calls for investigations.
But randomized trials are needed to better detail long-term risk-benefit ratio.
Around 2,000 Americans younger than age 25 die each year because of sudden cardiac death.
A systematic review of recent studies of the effects of chamomile on metabolic profiles suggests a positive effect on glycemic control, lipid profiles, and diabetic complications.
An extensive systematic review of research exploring the relationship between diet and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis as well as disease activity concludes that some dietary patterns and supplements may be protective enough to be recommended as part of the holistic management of rheumatoid disease
This randomized clinical trial involving more than 18,000 nondepressed adults at baseline and followed for five years concludes that supplementation with vitamin D3 (vs. placebo) is not associated with a decrease in symptoms of depression.
After years of improvement in this area, investigators recently observed troubling decline in rate control.
Does the rhythm in the figure represent Mobitz II second-degree AV block, complete AV block, or Wenckebach? Does the patient need a pacemaker?
Dapagliflozin can be prescribed to lower the risk of hospitalization for heart failure in adults with chronic kidney disease at risk for progression, end-stage kidney disease, cardiovascular death, and sustained estimated glomerular filtration rate decline.
Researchers found extending the upper limit of HPV vaccination to age 30 to 45 years is not cost-effective.