Clinical Publication
Loneliness and Type 2 Diabetes Incidence
Loneliness appears to be an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes, although further research to identify the causal relationship between loneliness and type 2 diabetes development is needed.
Employing Technology and Exergames to Improve Balance Post-Stroke
This small pilot study reveals potential for exergames (activity-based video games) to be used as a telemedicine rehabilitation intervention in improving balance and function in patients six to eight weeks post-stroke.
Dairy, Bone Health, and Menopause
An analysis of data from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation cohort did not reveal a significant association between daily dairy intake frequency, femoral and spine bone mineral density loss, and non-traumatic fracture risk among women transitioning to menopause.
FDA, CDC Sign Off on Third COVID-19 Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine is the first single-shot solution to receive an agency emergency use authorization.
Time-Restricted Eating, Weight Loss, and Metabolism
A randomized clinical trial comparing time-restricted eating with a 16-hour fasting interval to a structured three-meal-per-day control group resulted in equivalent weight loss in both groups and no reduction in metabolic markers in either group.
From Childhood to Adolescence: Metabolic Disturbance Risk Factors
An innovative statistical model examining the development of metabolic disturbances in a large sample of youths finds that having media in a bedroom (associated with higher risk) and belonging to a sports club (associated with lower risk) are among the modifiable risk factors in this population.
A Proinflammatory Diet’s Association with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
An analysis of data from three large prospective cohort studies revealed a proinflammatory diet as a risk factor for incident Crohn’s disease, but not for ulcerative colitis.
Fruits and Vegetables Lower the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
A multicenter, multinational prospective case-cohort study concludes that an increase in dietary consumption of fruits and vegetables is beneficial in reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 regardless of the current level of consumption.
Childhood Sleep Difficulties and Adolescent Mental Health
This prospective United Kingdom study involving 13,488 children shows an association between specific early childhood sleep problems and symptoms of psychosis in adolescence. Another specified early childhood sleep problem is associated with symptoms of borderline personality disorder in adolescence.
Labor, Pain Management, and Acupuncture: A Cochrane Review
This Cochrane review evaluating acupuncture and acupressure for pain management during labor finds acupuncture may lead to reduced use of pharmacological agents for pain control while acupressure may reduce pain intensity. Higher-quality studies are needed.