As hospitals ramp up their efforts to provide safe patient handling, there's also an increase in the services available to help them. In fact, even beyond training and traditional consulting, hospitals now can hire contracted lift teams.
Beware of the beautiful respirator. Efforts to make a fashion statement with an N95 respirator degrade the protective qualities and negate its approval by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, says Roland Berry Ann, deputy director of NIOSH's National Personal Protective Technology Lab.
Two years after the emergence of the H1N1 pandemic, hospitals are still learning lessons that may help avert serious problems in a future outbreak. Respiratory protection in particular became a contentious issue during the pandemic, and it remains an area of concern.
With a myriad of potential hazards, laboratories need a complex array of safety measures. They must develop a Chemical Hygiene Plan, detailing how they will minimize the risk of exposure to chemicals, monitor the workplace and respond to exposures. Beyond the Laboratory Standard, there are a number of other regulatory standards that impact labs, including respiratory protection, hazard communications, control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) and personal protective equipment.
The stages of change model was developed by James Prochaska, PhD, director of the Cancer Prevention Research center and professor of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, and Carlo DiClemente, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. The stages are based on the idea that people progress through different stages at their own rate before successful behavior change.
The answer is: attracting, retaining and developing the best workforce. The question: What is one goal of Avera McKennan Hospital's Keys to Excellence initiative?
Simulation-based training is an effective way to teach physicians, nurses, dentists, emergency medical technicians, and other health professionals, according to an analysis led by Mayo Clinic researchers.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recently awarded $248,000 to the Fenway Institute in Boston to create a National Training and Technical Assistance Center to help community health centers improve the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations.
Templates often are created to help make sure patients with low health literacy understand information. The National Cancer Institute published a template for consent documents with an eighth-grade reading level for participants in clinical trials.
Physicians and nurses helping patients learn to manage disease such as heart failure often have no time to talk about patients' preferences for care; if continued interventions are consistent with their goals, and what is hampering their quality of life.