This award-winning blog supplements the articles in Hospital Infection Control & Prevention.
Where the bugs are: Full coverage of APIC in Fort Lauderdale
January 12th, 2015
2402A New, National Approach to Surveillance for Ventilator-associated Events: Challenges and Opportunities (2402)
9-387A Quality Improvement Project on Hand Hygiene Compliance and Its Impact on Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (9-387)
9-415A Quantitative Survey of 205 Healthcare Professionals to Assess Perceived Importance and Actual Practice of Hand Hygiene Guidelines (9-415)
3404A Revolving Door? Transmission of Staphylococcus aureus Between Correctional Facilities and the Community (3404)
3201A TB Infection Control Training and Implementation Package for HIV Clinics and Out-patient Clinics in Resource-limited Settings, Zambia and Botswana (3201)
3002A View Across the Pond: Europe's Challenges and Successes in Reducing Healthcare-Associated MRSA Infections (3002)
1305Addressing Myths About Seasonal Influenza Vaccine in Education Campaigns as a Way of Maximizing Compliance Across All Healthcare Settings (1305)
3202Alphabet Soup: From KPC to NDM and Beyond - Updates from the Expanding World of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) (3202)
2401Are You Prepared for 13 Measles Patients at Your Facility? A Minnesota Children's Hospital Response to a Measles Outbreak (2401)
3500Behavior Change Models; from Theory to Practice (3500)
3000Behind the OR Doors; What Every IP Needs to Know (3000)
2203Best Care & Infection Prevention Model: An e-mentorship Experience (2203)
1600Best Ways to Keep the IC Committee Functional (1600)
1205Bridging Sciences: Infection Prevention and Patient Safety (1205)
3103Building Progressive Knowledge from NHSN Analytic Insights (3103)
2201Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, One Unit’s Journey to Drive Down Infection Rates (2201)
1202Central Line Blood Stream Infections: Impacting Change at the Bedside (1202)
3102Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection Surveillance in 2013: Using the New National Healthcare Safety Network Definitions Correctly (3102)
3402Guts and Glory: Update on 2013 CLABSI Definitions (3402)
3700Closing Plenary - Viral Forecast for Pandemic Prevention (3700)
2301Navigating the Spotlight: Using Transparency to Build and Retain Trust (2301)
3003Comparing Hand Hygiene Monitoring (3003)
10-445Control and Containment of a Norovirus Outbreak in a Skilled Nursing Facility Unit (10-445)
2502Control Strategies for CRE (2502)
1501Current Challenges and Emerging Evidence in Infection Prevention in Adult and Pediatric Long-term Care Facilities (1501)
2400Cutting to the Heart of Surgical Site Infections (2400)
3101Designing and Building to Ensure Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare: A Trip Through the Tower (3101)
1603Developing the IP Competency Model: Proficient and Advanced (1603)
1304Variation in Observed Infection Control Practices in the NOTICE Project (1304)
2204Dialysis: HAI Prevention & the Environment (2204)
1302Do Consumers Know, Understand, or Care About Public Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Rates? (1302)
1204Environmental Cleaning Toolkit: Standardizing Training to Enhance Capacity for Cleaning (1204)
2302Essentials for Analyzing HAI Data in NHSN (2302)
2405Exploring the Ethics of Isolation and Quarantine: A Visit with Typhoid Mary (2405)
1301Exploring the Updated Infection Surveillance Definitions for LTCFs (1301)
3401Eyes on NICU - Potential Varicella Outbreak (3401)
2404Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA): Sterilization & Disinfection (2404)
1400Home Health Challenges and Hospice Complexities in Developing an Infection Prevention Program (1400)
2403Hospital Compare and other CMS Websites - How to Interpret and Use the Data (2403)
3100How to Manage Managing (3100)
2-262Impact of Electronic Monitoring and a Hand Hygiene Improvement Program on Compliance Rates (2-262)
3301Implementation Science: Getting the Science to the Bedside (3301)
3501Implementing a Multi Disciplinary Approach to Managing MDRO (3501)
2300Infection Prevention in Emergency Departments: A Workshop to Identify Barriers and Successful Strategies (2300)
3403Infection Preventionists as Evaluators: Building Evaluation Capacity to Enhance Professional Competence (3403)
3600Infectious Complications of Blood Transfusions (3600)
1201Initiatives Engaging Nursing Homes in C. difficile Prevention: Local, State and National Perspectives (1201)
3401IsoCool: A Pediatric Patient and Family Friendly Isolation Awareness Quality Improvement Project (3401)
3203Law and Order (3203)
1303Learn, Act, Improve, Spread: Levers for Quality Improvement in HAIs and Improving Population Health (1303)
1401Learning from Defects: Surgical Site Infection Defect Analysis (1401)
1502Legionella in 2013: A New Paradigm for Prevention (1502)
1300Lessons from the Hybrid Room (1300)
1201Long-term Care and Public Health: A Collaborative Project to Decrease Healthcare-associated Infections in Kentucky (1201)
1505LTAC Infection Prevention (1505)
1500Meeting CMS Requirements for Coverage of Infection Control at Ambulatory Endoscopy Centers (1500)
2000Horizontal versus Vertical Interventions in Prevention Healthcare-Associated Infections (2000)
2001NECC Outbreak (Meningitis) (2001)
3204New Technology in Environmental Cleaning and Evaluation (3204)
3502NHSN - CAUTI - How to Report and Apply the CAUTI Definitions (3502)
1402NHSN - Lab ID Event Reporting for C. difficile and MRSA Bacteremia (1402)
2303NHSN - SSI - How to Report and Apply the NHSN SSI Definitions (2303)
3503NHSN - VAE (3503)
1602Infection Prevention in Outpatient Oncology Care (1602)
1000Opening Plenary: Infection Prevention Through the Decades (1000)
3004Optimizing the EVS-IP Partnership to Prevent Infection (3004) This session is sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant from Clorox. The speaker is not sponsored.
2202Outbreak Investigation in Healthcare Settings (2202)
3300Preventing Ventilator-associated Respiratory Infections: Bundles, Devices, Medications and Future Strategies (3300)
3005Public Reporting: Humanizing the Numerators (3005)
3405"Really? They're Doing What??" -- How to Approach Unusual Events in Infection Prevention (3405)
1200Resources for Safe Sterile Processing in Ambulatory Health Centers and Ambulatory Surgery Centers (1200)
2205Safe Injection Practice Campaign: Is Knowledge Enough? (2205)
1601Safe Injection Practices (1601)
3602Semmelweis and His Impact on Infection Prevention in 2013 (3602)
2503On the Cutting Edge of HAI Prevention Research: What’s New, What’s Next, What’s Over the Horizon? (2503)
2002Simulation Session: Collaboration Between the Perioperative Nurse and Infection Preventionist (2002)
3200SIR and NSQIP (3200)
1504Sterilization Process Failures: Investigation and Prevention (1504)
3001Surveillance and Clinical Definitions of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP): Controversies, Gold Standards, and Outcomes (3001)
2500Tackling Challenging Infection Control Problems When Evidence is Lacking (2500)
3603TB Testing 2013 (3603)
2501The Mysteries Behind the Door Inpatient and Outpatient Dialysis (2501)
3601Top 10 Pearls of Evidence: Celebrating the Science in Our Year of the Ruby (3601)
3400Transplant Infection Risk and Prevention (3400)
3205Update on Occupational Health (3205)
1203Using Statistical Graphics in Infection Prevention (1203)
1403Using Your Infection Prevention Risk Assessment to Energize Your Program (1403)
1503Validation of HAI Data at the State and Local Level (1503)
3605What the Pregnant Healthcare Worker Should Know to Reduce the Risk of Infection (3605)
3303Winning the Battle on C difficile (3303) This session is sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant from Clorox. The speaker is not sponsored.
2200Your Ambulatory Center: Exceeding Survey Expectations by Engaging Staff in an Evidence Based Quality Improvement Program (2200)

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