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How should one interpret the ECG in the figure? Is the rhythm most likely to be a re-entry supraventricular tachycardia with aberrant conduction?
Momelotinib can be prescribed to treat intermediate- or high-risk myelofibrosis.
Among participants living with HIV who are at low-to-moderate risk for cardiovascular disease, those who received pitavastatin were 35% less likely to experience a major adverse cardiovascular event over a follow-up of approximately five years vs. those who received placebo.
Summary: Hormonal Contraceptives for Managing Perimenopause
Hormonal contraceptives, particularly the levonorgestrel intrauterine device, can provide significant benefits to perimenopausal women by managing symptoms and preventing unintended pregnancies.
A Social Media Reminder: Nurses Fired Over TikToks
The firing of nurses for mocking patients on TikTok highlights the critical need for hospitals to enforce clear and explicit social media policies. Proactive education, coupled with well-defined guidelines, can help employees understand the professional and ethical implications of their online be...
Mechanical Thrombectomy for Stroke: The Bullet Points
Stroke is a leading global health issue, with ischemic stroke accounting for a majority of cases. Mechanical thrombectomy has emerged as a transformative treatment for acute ischemic strokes caused by large vessel occlusions, significantly improving outcomes
Saving Mothers: Insights and Interventions in Reducing Maternal Mortality is tailor-made to help clinicians keep pregnant patients as safe as possible during a medically complex time in their lives. Perfect for OB/GYN and emergency medicine physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and nurse midwives...
Stroke 2024: Advancing Therapy, Improving Outcomes provides evidence-based, cutting edge, clinical information on treating stroke and other neurological problems in a concise, accurate, and clinically relevant format. Written and edited by leading experts in the fields of neurology and emergency med...
Stroke 2023: Evolving Progress in Care provides evidence-based, cutting edge, clinical information on treating stroke and other neurological problems in a concise, accurate, and clinically relevant format. Written and edited by leading experts in the fields of neurology and emergency medicine, Strok...