ED Legal Letter – January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012
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Some Charting Methods Put Sued EPs in a Tough Spot
What an emergency physician (EP) documents can unquestionably influence the outcome of a lawsuit, but is the same true for an ED's charting method? -
Charting Methods: Each Has Legal Pros and Cons
If time wasn't a factor and if charting were an enjoyable activity, emergency physicians (EPs) would presumably always produce thorough, accurate documentation a key factor in minimizing legal risks. -
"What Was EP Thinking" Is Pivotal During Suit
With some electronic medical record (EMR) documentation systems, plaintiff's attorneys may have a difficult time determining what actually happened during the ED visit. -
Will Jurors Believe it Was Really Just a Typo?
The final statement,"Doctor X is leaving with the patient," dictated by Corey M. Slovis, MD, professor and chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, was regarding a critically ill patient who was being accompanied by the hospital's chief of trauma to the operating room. This was later incorrectly transcribed as "Doctor X is sleeping with the patient." -
More Contradictions in EMR Charting
Some electronic medical record (EMR) systems make it difficult for emergency physicians (EPs) to view the nursing notes, says Jonathan D. Lawrence, MD, JD, FACEP, an ED physician at St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach, CA, and assistant professor of medicine at Harbor/University of California Los Angeles Medical Center, which increases the chance of conflicting information getting into the patient's chart. -
Many ED Admissions Are Motivated by Lawsuit Fears
Emergency physicians' (EPs) decisions to admit or discharge patients are motivated, in part, by liability concerns, according to recent research. -
"How Could You Have Let This Person Leave Your ED?"
Suppose a patient is being seen in your ED for an extremity injury resulting from a motorcycle accident, and chooses to leave right after his arm is put in a splint, although the emergency physician (EP) hasn't yet done a full examination. -
What Are EP's Legal Responsibilities With AMA?
Although the EP is responsible for medical care delivered in the ED setting, every adult of sound mind has the right to refuse medical care, says Catherine A. Marco, MD, FACEP, a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at The University of Toledo (OH). -
Study: Temporary ED Staff Twice As Likely To Be Associated With Medication Errors That Cause Harm To Patients
Busy EDs are increasingly relying on temporary staff to cope with nursing shortages, unanticipated spikes in volume, and other personnel challenges, but the practice is coming at a steep price, according to research from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD.