Physician's Payment Update Archives
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A business lesson from 9/11/01: Is your practice really disaster-proof?
Terrorist attacks prompt FBI cyber-warning
Specialist pay hikes beat primary care again
Outsourcing can move problems off-site
Don’t miss out on revenue from expanded care
Fraud police announce targets for next year
Rx-physician relationships will be scrutinized
Beneficiary notices get closer attention from feds
Make sure patients understand ABNs
Medicare payments to drop by 5.4% next year
Physician's Coding Strategy: National emergency leads to more depression coding
Physician's Coding Strategist: At times you can bill for E/M and prevention
Physician's Coding Strategist: CMS clarifies billing for teaching physicians
Physician's Coding Strategist: CMS issues memo on use of physician query forms
Physician's Coding Strategist: Time must be devoted for critical care codes
Physician's Coding Strategist: Use modifier -60 for complicated surgeries
Physician's Coding Strategist: What the OIG wants on all proper bills
Physician's Coding Strategist: Outpatient Medicare pay to jump 2.3% next year
Physician's Coding Strategist: Medicare digs up ban on services to relatives