FL teenager arrested for playing PA in ED
Authorities in Kissimmee, FL, report that a teenager has been arrested and accused of impersonating a physician's assistant (PA) in a local hospital's emergency department (ED).
Matthew Scheidt, 17, appeared in court with his mother recently, but the state attorney said charges were pending. Scheidt was a part-time billing clerk at Osecola Regional Medical Center but he obtained a physician assistant badge that allowed him to conduct exams and provide other patient care, according to Assistant State Attorney Dugald McMillan, JD.
McMillan said the state is still trying to determine what charges to bring against Scheidt.
The Florida Department of Health issued a statement saying it is investigating the incident. "In light of the arrest of this teenager, we made a site visit to the hospital Sept. 7 through 9. Our report is still being drafted and is under review, so details cannot be discussed," the statement said. "Some of the things we looked at included hospital policies, patient rights, and the security in place when this teenager allegedly had access to patients."
The hospital did not return a call seeking comment.
Authorities in Kissimmee, FL, report that a teenager has been arrested and accused of impersonating a physician's assistant (PA) in a local hospital's emergency department (ED).Subscribe Now for Access
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