Cumulative Index: Volume 5, Numbers 1-12, Pages 1-132, January-December 2000
Volume 5, Numbers 1-12, Pages 1-132, January-December 2000
achilles tendon rupture, 2:16
evaluation of purpuric rash, 1:8
first simple febrile seizure, 12:S
ankle sprain, skiing, 2:16
ano-genital exam, sexual abuse, 6:65
anterior cruciate injuries, skiing, 2:17
anticonvulsant therapy, 12:127
aspiration, submersion injuries, 8:84-85
bladder injury, 11:117
benign rolandic epilepsy, 12:128
adjunctive therapies, 10:110
degree of burn
first-degree, 10:104
fourth-degree, 10:104
second-degree, 10:104
third-degree, 10:104
demographics, 10:102
depth of burn, 10:103-104
excision of wound, 10:108-109
fluid replacement, 10:107
inhalation injuries, 10:106
Lund and Browder chart, 10:105
pathophsyiology, thermal burns, 10:103
rule of nines, 10:105
rule of palms, 10:105
shock, 10:106
vascular changes, 103
wound management, 10:108
cardiac arrythmias, 5:49
supraventricular tachycardia, 5:49
cardiogenic shock (Also see congestive heart failure)
drug therapy, 5:47
myocarditis, 5:50
septic shock, 5:51
cardiomyopathies, 5:53-55
cervicitis, 4:33
chandroid, 4:38
Chlamydia trachomatis, urethritis, 4:32
coagulation disorders
purpura, 1:3
hemophilia, 1:5
von Willebrand disease, 1:5
compartment syndrome, 6:SUP 5
computed tomography
intussusception, 9:96
seizures, 12:125
congenital heart defects, 5:55-56
congestive heart failure
cardiac arrythmias, 5:49
cardiomyopathies, 5:53-55
congenital heart defects, 5:55-56
cytokines, 5:44
diastolic dysfunction, 5:44
diuretics, 5:48
endothelial hormones, 5:43
hyponatremia, 5:42
Kawasaki syndrome, 5:51-53
natriuretic peptides, 5:43
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, 5:42
supraventricular tachycardia, 5:49
therapy, 5:46
cruciate injuries, skiing, 2:18
cytokines, heart failure, 5:44
degree of burn
first-degree, 10:104
fourth-degree, 10:104
second-degree, 10:104
third-degree, 10:104
diagnostic enema, intussusception, 9:96
diagnostic imaging
computed tomography,
intussusception, 9:96
seizures, 12:125
electroencephalography, seizures, 12:125
magnetic resonance imaging,
intussusception, 9:96
seizures, 12:125
ultrasound, intussusception, 9:96
dialysis, 7:74-75
dysequilibrium syndrome, 7:80
hemodialysis, 7:75
hypotension, 7:80
peritoneal, 7:75
diastolic dysfunction, 5:44
diuretics, congestive heart failure, 5:48
documentation, sexual abuse, 6:68
drowning, 8:83-84 (Also see submersion injuries)
secondary, 8:84
drug-induced purpura, 1:4
duty to third parties, 6:SUP 3-4
duty to treat, 6:SUP 2-3
ectopic pregnancy, 6:SUP 8
endothelial hormones, congestive heart failure, 5:43
epididymitis, 4:33
excision of burn wound, 10:108-109
febrile seizures, 12:127
fibula fractures, skiing, 2:17
first-degree burn, 10:104
fluid replacement, burn victim, 10:107
fourth-degree burn, 10:104
genitourinary tract trauma
bladder injury, 11:117
hematuria, 11:113-114
renal trauma, 11:114-116
ureteral trauma, 11:116-117
urethral injury, 11:117-118
gonococcal infection, 4:33
granuloma inguinale, 4:38
head injury, 6:SUP 6-7
heart failure,
cytokines, 5:44
hematuria, 11:113-114
hemodialysis, renal failure, 7:75
hemophilia, 1:5
Henoch-Schonlein purpura, 1:3-4
herpes simplex virus, 4:36
human immunodeficiency virus, 4:38-39
hyperkalemia, 7:76-77
hyponatremia, congestive heart failure, 7:77
hypotension, dialysis, 7:80
hypertensive crisis, 7:77-78
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 6:SUP 7
definition, 3:41
diagnostic studies, 3:27
differential diagnosis, 3:25-26
etiology, 3:25-26
inborn metabolic errors, 3:26
management, 3:27
physical exam, 3:25
risk management, 6:SUP 5
signs and symptoms, 2:25
hyponatremia, 5:42
hypotension, 7:80
hypothermia, immersion, 8:84, 86
hypoxia, drowning, 8:88
imaging aids, intussusception
computed tomography, 9:96
diagnostic enema, 9:96
magnetic resonance imaging, 9:96
plain radiography, 9:95-96
ultrasound, 9:96
immersion hypothermia, 8:84,86
immersion syndrome, 8:84
inborn metabolic errors, hypoglycemia, 3:26
injury prevention, winter sports, 2:14
inhalation injuries, 10:106
computed tomography, 9:96
diagnostic enema, 9:96
differential diagnosis, 9:95
epidemiology, 9:93-94
etiology, 9:94
imaging aids
computed tomography, 9:96
diagnostic enema, 9:96
magnetic resonance imaging, 9:96
plain radiography, 9:95-96
ultrasound, 9:96
management, 9:96-98
pathophysiology, 9:94
perforation, 9:98
surgical reduction, 9:98
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, 12:128
Kawasaki syndrome, congestive heart
failure, 5:51-53
knee injuries, skiing, 2:17
lateral malleolus fracture, skiing, 2:16
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 12:128
Lund and Browder chart, 10:105
lymphogranuloma venereum, 4:38
magnetic resonance imaging
intussusception, 9:96
seizures, 12:125
medial collateral sprains, skiing, 2:17
meningococcemia, 1:5
meniscus injuries, skiing, 2:18
metabolic disturbances, 7:76-77
hyperkalemia, 7:76-77
hyponatremia, 7:77
metabolic acidosis, 7:77
midfoot sprain, skiing, 2:16
migraines, seizures, 12:124
myocarditis, 5:50
natriuretic peptides, congestive heart failure, 5:43
near drowning, 8:84
Neisseria gonorrheae, urethritis, 4:32
neonatal seizures, 12:128
parental consent, 6:SUP 1-2
paroxysmal movement disorders, 12:123-124
patellar injuries, 2:18
pelvic inflammatory disease, 4:34-35
peritoneal dialysis, renal failure, 7:75
peritonitis, renal failure, 7:78
peroneal tendon rupture, skiing, 2:16
plain radiography, intussusception, 9:95-96
platelet disorders
thrombocytopenia, 1:2
posterior cruciate injuries, skiing, 2:18
pregnancy, ectopic, 6:SUP 8
psychogenic seizures, 12:124
coagulation disorders, 1:3
von Willebrand disease, 1:5
drug-induced, 1:4
evaluation algorithm, 1:8
hemophilia, 1:5
Henoch-Schonlein, 1:3-4
historical considerations, 1:6
meningococcemia, 1:5
physical exam, 1:7
thrombocytopenia, 1:2
vascular disorders, 1:3
rape kit, 6:66-68
renal failure
definition, 7:74
dialysis, 7:74-75
dialysis dysequilibrium, syndrome, 7:80
hemodialysis, 7:75
hypotension, 7:80
peritoneal, 7:75
graft emergencies, 7:79
hypertensive crisis, 7:77-78
infection, 6:78
metabolic disturbances, 7:76-77
hyperkalemia, 7:76-77
hyponatremia, 7:77
metabolic acidosis, 7:77
pathophysiology, 7:75
peritonitis, 7:78
renal transplant, 7:80-81
thrombosis, 7:79-90
volume overload, 7:76
renal transplant, 7:80-81
renal trauma, 11:114-116
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, congestive heart failure, 5:42
risk management: 6:SUP 1-10
compartment syndrome, 6:SUP 5
duty to third parties, 6:SUP 3-4
duty to treat, 6:SUP 2-3
ectopic pregnancy, 6:SUP 8
head injury, 6:SUP 6-7
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 6:SUP 7
hypoglycemia, 6:SUP 5
parental consent, 6:SUP 1-2
seizures, 6:SUP 4-5
slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 6:SUP 7
wound management, 6:SUP 7-8
rolandic epilepsy, 12:128
rule of nines, burns, 10:105
rule of palms, burns, 10:105
secondary drowning, 8:84
second-degree burn, 10:104
algorithm, first simple febrile seizure, 12:S
anticonvulsant therapy, 12:127
benign rolandic epilepsy, 12:128
breath-holding spells, 12:123
classification, 12:122-123
computed tomography, 12:125
diagnostic imaging
computed tomography, 12:125
electroencephalography, 12:125
magnetic resonance imaging, 12:125
definition, 12:121
febrile, 12:127
epidemiology, 12;122
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, 12:128
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 12:128
migraines, 12:124
neonatal seizures, 12:128
paroxysmal movement
disorders, 12:123-124
prophylactic drugs, 12:126
psychogenic seizures, 12:124
risk management, 6:SUP 4-5
sleep disorders, 12:123
status epilepticus, 12:128-131
syncope, 12:123
West’s syndrome, 12:128
septic shock, 5:51
sexual abuse
ano-genital exam, 6:65
behavioral indicators, 6:62
definition, 6:62
documentation, 6:68
evaluation, 6:62
history, 6:62
physical examination, 6:63-65
reporting abuse, 6:66-69
rape kit, 6:66-68
sexually transmitted diseases, 6:66-67
sexually transmitted diseases
cervicitis, 4:33
chandroid, 4:38
epididymitis, 4:33
gonococcal infection, 4:33
granuloma inguinale, 4:38
herpes simplex virus, 4:36
human immunodeficiency virus, 4:38-39
history, 4:31-32
lymphogranuloma venereum, 4:38
pelvic inflammatory disease, 4:34-35
physical exam, 4:31-32
rape/sexual abuse, 6:66-67
syphilis, 4:36-37
urethritis, 4:32-33
Chlamydia trachomatis, 4:32
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 4:32
vaginitis, 4:35-36
Trichomonas vaginalis, 4:35
shock, burn management, 10:106
shoulder injuries, skiing, 2:18-19
skier’s thumb, 2:18
skiing, downhill injuries 2:13-14
sleep disorders, seizures, 12:123
sledding injuries, 2:13
slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 6:SUP 7
snowboarding injuries, 2:13-15
status epilepticus, 12:128-131
submersion injuries
aspiration, 8:84-85
drowning, 8:83-84
hypoxia, 8:88
immersion hypothermia, 8:84,86
immersion syndrome, 8:84
near drowning, 8:84
pathophysiology, 8:84-85
secondary drowning, 8:84
supraventricular tachycardia, congestive heart failure 5:49
syncope, seizures, 12:123
syphilis, 4:36-37
third-degree burn, 10:104
thrombocytopenia, 1:2
thrombosis, renal failure, 7:79-90
tibia fracture, skiing, 2:17
tobogganing injuries, 2:13
Trichomonas vaginalis, vaginitis, 4:35
ultrasound, intussusception, 9:96
ureteral trauma, 11:116-117
urethral injury, 11:117-118
urethritis, 4:32-33
Chlamydia trachomatis, 4:32
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 4:32
vaginitis, 4:35-36
vascular disorders, purpura, 1:3
von Willebrand disease, 1:5
West’s syndrome, 12:128
winter sports injuries
achilles tendon rupture, 2:16
ankle sprain, 2:16
anterior cruciate injuries, skiing, 2:17
downhill skiing, 2:13-14
fibula fractures, 2:17
injury prevention, 2:14
knee injuries, 2:17
lateral malleolus fracture, 2:16
medial collateral sprains, 2:17
meniscus injuries, skiing, 2:18
midfoot sprain, 2:16
overuse injuries, 2:15-16
patellar injuries, 2:18
peroneal tendon rupture, 2:16
posterior cruciate injuries, 2:18
shoulder injuries, 2:18-19
skier’s thumb, 2:18
sledding, 2:13
snowboarding, 2:13-15
tibia fracture, 2:17
tobogganing, 2:13
wound management
burn wounds, 10:108
risk management issues, 6:SUP 7-8
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Reports thanks the following people for their |
January 2000 |
Author: Martha S. Wright, MD |
February 2000 |
Author: Charles Stewart, MD, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Michael Gerardi, MD, FAAP, FACEP |
March 2000 |
Authors: Samuel R. Reid, MD; Joseph D.
Losek, MD, FAAP, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Raymond D. Pitetti, MD, MPH |
April 2000 |
Author: Eileen M. Duffy, MD, FAAP, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Maureen McCullough, MD, MPH, FACEP |
May 2000 |
Authors: Paul A. Checchia, MD, FAAP; Ann Dietrich, MD,
FAAP, FACEP; Ronald M. Perkin, MD, MA, FAAP, FCCM Peer Reviewer: Martha S. Wright, MD |
June 2000 |
Author: Mary Ranee Leder, MD; Marc Scott
Leder, MD Peer Reviewer: Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP, FAAP |
June 2000 Supplement |
Authors: Melanie S. Heniff, MD,
FAAEM, FAAP; Gregory P. Moore, MD Peer Reviewer: Richard M. Ruddy, MD |
July 2000 |
Author: Georges Ramalanjaona, MD,
DSc, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Stephen R. Knazik, DO, FACEP |
August 2000 |
Author: Charles Stewart, MD, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Steven Winograd, MD, FACEP |
September 2000 |
Authors: Estevan Garcia, MD; Robert A.
Wiebe, MD, FAAP, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Daniel M. Cohen, MD, FAAP, FACEP |
October 2000 |
Author: Charles Stewart, MD, FACEP Peer Reviewer: Perry Stafford, MD, FACP, FAAP, FCCM |
November 2000 |
Author: Norman C. Christopher, MD Peer Reviewer: John Santamaria, MD, FAAP, FACEP |
December 2000 |
Authors: Claudia R. Gold, MD, FACEP; Jessica
Pierog, EMT Peer Reviewer: Martha S. Wright, MD |
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