Integrative Medicine
Sweating for Sleep: Examining Evening Exercise and its Effects on Sleep Duration
This small, randomized crossover trial demonstrates that short, repetitive bouts of early evening exercise lead to an increase in total sleep time compared to prolonged sitting.
Is It Past Time to Change Dietary Guidelines for Alcohol Use?
Analysis reveals that previous studies demonstrating the health benefits of moderate alcohol drinking were of low quality and that the relatively few published studies meeting the minimal quality criteria to avoid this problem do not show significantly lower mortality risk for moderate alcohol drinkers.
CVD Risk from Ketogenic Diets
A recent analysis of the UK Biobank data found that subjects on a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet had higher levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and apolipoprotein B, and an increase in incident major adverse cardiovascular events over a 12-year follow-up than subjects on a standard diet.
Turmeric (Curcumin) Helps Patients with Dyspepsia and Acid Reflux
In a randomized, controlled trial, curcumin demonstrated comparable efficacy to omeprazole in treating dyspepsia and acid reflux.
How Many Steps a Day Will Improve Patients’ Longevity?
A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies of the association of step counts and cadence with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events showed the benefits in these outcomes are statistically significant, at about 2,600 steps/day and peak at about 8,000 steps/day. Also, faster step cadence augments these benefits.
Incident Dementia Cases Connected to Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure
Researchers reported fine particulate matter from agriculture and open fires to be especially harmful.
Can Physical Activity Thwart the Negative Cardiometabolic Effects of Obesity?
Compared to normal-weight workers, overweight or obese employees in Spain exhibited a higher prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which can be partially mitigated by regular exercise.
Walk! A Long-Term Observational Investigation of Knee Osteoarthritis
The results of an observational study of more than 1,000 individuals age 50 years and older with knee arthritis revealed regular walking for exercise correlated with fewer reports of new knee pain and slower disease progression, as verified by radiographic evidence at eight-year follow-up.
Can Physical Activity Thwart the Negative Cardiometabolic Effects of Obesity?
Compared to normal-weight workers, overweight or obese employees in Spain exhibited a higher prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which can be partially mitigated by regular exercise.
Does Running Prevent Coronary Artery Disease?
In this cross-sectional review of the Master Athlete Heart study, the authors found lifelong endurance sport participation was not associated with a more favorable coronary plaque composition vs. a healthy lifestyle. Lifelong endurance athletes exhibited more coronary plaques.