The U.S. nurse workforce must become larger, more diverse, better educated, and properly resourced over the next decade to adequately handle several looming challenges, according to a recent report.1
The report authors said stronger education programs, more diversity and inclusion, protection of mental well-being, and expanded practice authority are keys to help nurses respond to what lies ahead: caring for a rapidly aging population and responding to the ever-growing number of natural disasters and public health emergencies.
Nurses also will be vital in snuffing out structural inequities that cause poor health, according to the report authors. They paid special attention to social determinants of health, nonmedical factors like access to transportation, quality food, and good-paying jobs that affect physical and mental well-being.
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. 2021.
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