Updates for continuous compliance key
Information distributed via e-mail and Intranet postings
To keep staff at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) in Chicago in a state of constant preparedness for a Joint Commission survey, updates are e-mailed to managers and then are communicated to staff. Following is an example on patient education:
Joint Commission Update
Monthly Update on Survey Process and Continuous Compliance
Key Message to Staff: One of the core elements of the provision of patient care is patient education. Every patient and family interaction is an opportunity to educate. It is essential that all caregivers incorporate patient teaching into hands-on care.
Joint Commision's Provision of Care Standard 6.30 requires that each patient receive education and training specific to his or her abilities and appropriate to the care, treatment, and services provided by the hospital. Learning styles vary, and the ability to learn can be affected by many factors including individual learning preferences and readiness to learn. Educational activities must be tailored to meet the patient's needs and abilities.
As health care professionals, patient education is our responsibility. NMH has systems in place to help support this effort.
Comprehension is evaluated
MPET: Always assess patient's response to learning.
Use the "teach back" method to gauge patients' response to learning. Patients should be able to articulate the key points about what they learned.
Make a difference
During hand-offs between departments/ levels of care/change of shift report, share outstanding patient education requirements.
While attending a conference or preparing an in-service, identify key patient teaching messages related to this topic.
Include important patient education components while developing competencies and policies and procedures.
To keep staff at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) in Chicago in a state of constant preparedness for a Joint Commission survey, updates are e-mailed to managers and then are communicated to staff. Following is an example on patient education:Subscribe Now for Access
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