Emergency Medicine Topics
Acute Hepatitis in the Emergency Department
MONOGRAPH: Viral and drug-induced hepatitis are the most common causes of acute liver failure in adults.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Update
COPD is a chronic, incurable but very treatable condition. This syndrome is identified by historical clues, clinical signs and symptoms, and physiologic and imaging abnormalities.
Emergency Airway Management: A Targeted Review of Difficult Trauma Situations
Airway management is one of the cornerstones of emergency medicine practice and resuscitation. An emergency clinician must have a strategy for these situations based on clinical skills, available devices, urgency of the situation, and potential consultants.
Electrical and Lightning Injuries
Although electrical injuries are rare, patients who present with these injuries to emergency departments pose particular challenges to emergency physicians and trauma surgeons.
Commonly Missed Radiographic Findings
The practice of medicine involves judgment, the weighing of possibilities and probabilities. Even more so when interpreting radiographs.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
MONOGRAPH: It's characterized by markedly increased circulating ketone bodies leading to ketoacidosis.
Hyponatremia in the Emergency Department
Sodium and water balance are closely linked, and abnormalities in one often occur in association with abnormalities in the other. Hyponatremia and disordered water balance are among the most common electrolyte disturbances seen in the emergency department (ED).
Electronic Cigarette and Nicotine Toxicity
MONOGRAPH: The majority of electronic cigarette users are still smoking traditional cigarettes in addition to vaping.
Ultrasound for Trauma
Point-of-care ultrasound is a critical clinical tool that facilitates the early diagnosis of many life-threatening injuries. As with any test, clinicians need to fully appreciate indications and limitations of the diagnostic tool and integrate where advantageous to their practice.
The Next Pandemic: Hospital Management
More than 5 years after the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, this paper examines the history of pandemics’ impact in the United States and worldwide, their likely impact in the near future, the current state of preparedness of United States hospitals, and special considerations for hospital operations during a pandemic.