Emergency Medicine Topics
Anticoagulation in the Trauma Patient
The number and variety of anticoagulants have expanded greatly during the past decade. Because of the large number of individuals on anticoagulation for various conditions, anticoagulated patients assuredly will present as trauma patients.
Understanding and Managing Angioedema in the Emergency Department
Angioedema is a complex and potentially deadly condition that has multiple causes, not all of which are well understood.
Evaluation and Management of Cervical Artery Dissection in the Emergency Department
The goal of this paper is to help emergency physicians in their diagnosis, management, and treatment of this rare but potentially devastating condition.
Aortic Dissection
Because aortic dissection is associated with high morbidity and rapid mortality, it is an important diagnosis to consider when evaluating patients with chest and back pain in the emergency department (ED).
Spinal Cord Injury
The spinal cord, although well protected, can be injured in a variety of ways, including motor vehicle collisions and sporting events. The inability of the neurons to regenerate, and their sensitivity to anoxia and hypoperfusion, makes the timely diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord injury imperative to preserve as much function as possible. This article will cover the basic epidemiology, physiology, and treatments for spinal cord injury in an attempt to prepare the reader to manage these complex injuries.
Alternatives to Opioids for Acute Pain Management in the Emergency Department: Part II
As emergency physicians, we want to ensure our patients are not suffering severe pain. But, at the same time, we clearly need to reduce the use of opioids. Balancing these two priorities is difficult but important to our patients and society as a whole.
Alternatives to Opioids for Acute Pain Management in the Emergency Department: Part I
Using therapy designed specifically for several different painful conditions that commonly present to the ED, patients frequently achieve significant pain relief without the use of opioids.
Drug Interactions
MONOGRAPH: Drug-to-drug interactions represent one of the most significant risks of polypharmacy in our increasingly complex and aging populations.
Oral Anticoagulation Reversal
This review discusses anticoagulant medications and reversal agents.
Shoulder Trauma
MONOGRAPH: The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. It's also a prime target for traumatic injury.